Thursday, May 8, 2008

Anyone can comment

OK, blog update - I guess people could only comment on the blog if they were "registered users". I just turned this off, so that anyone can comment and doesn't have to set up a special account.


Donna Rasmussen said...

Okay I'm commmenting, lets see a photo of my rocks...:)

Anonymous said...

Hey , great idea this blog. I was wondering all the time how you were doing but never found time to call... its not just an excuse!!! 6 hours time difference can bee a lot, especially when you have a little baby (well he's not that little anymore) ... Actually Tamme is growing pretty big. He is walking around everywhere. Maybe I can manage to send some pictures. Well, have a nice day and know that you're always on my mind ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hier bekonmt Ihr auch mal einen deutschen Kommentar. Euer Häuschen gefällt mir total gut und ich freue mich schon darauf, es mal in echt zu sehen. toll, wie Ihr daran arbeitet!
1000 Bussis!